Order Processing

We’re committed to getting your order to you as soon as possible, and as soon as your order comes through, we go straight to work. Depending on your location, your order will likely arrive 5-7 days after it ships, or 7-10 days after you place the order. It could be sooner, but it’s seldom longer. International orders can take 25-30 days to arrive, depending on shipping and customs processes.

Please note that items ordered from The Max Challenge are sold and shipped from the United States. For all deliveries outside of the United States, in addition to appropriate international shipping charges, you will be responsible for any and all local taxes, duties, tariffs or other similar charges or impositions (including VAT) associated with your purchase, if any. By placing your order, you are agreeing that you will be responsible for and will pay, as due, all such charges, as applicable.

Once a shipment has left domestic handling and entered international borders, Higher Primate is no longer responsible for the tracking of said shipment. All inquiries, from the time of entering international borders, must be taken up by the customer with their local delivery service.